
Access archived documentation for pre- and post-CGDP Portal implementation. Documentation includes pre-CGDP Portal payment confirmation documentation and post-CGDP Portal report layouts, obsolete online registration forms, and archived HPMS memos.

Current documentation can be located under the Invoices topic.

Invoices Articles

Sponsor Payment Confirmation Report InstructionsPayment Confirmation ProceduresNegative Invoice Test File Layout - For ManufacturersUpdates to the Sponsor Invoice and Payment File Layouts (Multiple Benefit Years) - Begins Quarter 1 2012Contract Confirmation File LayoutSide by Side Comparison of Invoice Payment ConfirmationManufacturer Payment Confirmation ProceduresSponsor Edit CodesPayment Confirmation ReportInvoice ReportCGDP Online Registration Form (Removed 9-29-17)Negative Invoice Test File Layout - For SponsorsPayment Confirmation ReminderHPMS MEMO: Updates to the Process for Resolving Coverage Gap Discount Program Negative Invoiced AmountsManufacturers Payment Confirmation Procedures for Negative InvoicesAccess CGDP MailboxManufacturer Negative Balance Report HPMS MemoSponsor Side by Side Comparison CONTSUM VS. CONFIRMContract Negative Balance Report File LayoutPayment Confirmation ReminderManufacturer Payment Confirmation ProceduresContract Side By Side Comparison for Negative InvoicesSponsor Payment Confirmation ProceduresHPMS MEMO: Updates to the Process for Resolving Coverage Gap Discount Program Negative Invoiced AmountsManufacturer Confirmation File LayoutManufacturer Side by Side Comparison for Negative InvoicesSide by Side Comparison of Invoice Payment ConfirmationManufacturer Edit CodesContract Payment Confirmation Procedures for Negative InvoicesCGDP Online Registration Form (Removed 9-29-17)Low Volume Summary ReportContract Payment Confirmation ReportAccess Manufacturer PortalPayment Confirmation ReportPayment Confirmation ProceduresManufacturer Negative Balance Report File LayoutPayment Confirmation Report OverviewPayment Confirmation Report Overview

Last Updated: 06/25/2019